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Showing articles from lesson tag

How to Cancel a lesson

How to Cancel a lesson online This article outlines how to cancel a lesson online. How to cancel a lesson through the Clubhouse website ( App instructions below): * When you initially log in, the home screen will show your schedule if you scroll down. * On the calendar showing your schedule, select the da…

Missing Weblesson(s)

What to do if you're missing one or more of your Weblessons One of the major tools that GOLFTEC offers is the ability to review videos from you lessons afterwards so that you can continue learning. Sometimes, however, those lessons might not be showing, and there could be a variety of reasons for this. Below, we w…

Scheduling Lessons and Practice Times

Booking a Lesson, Practice, or Fitting through the GOLFTEC Clubhouse The GOLFTEC Clubhouse offers an easy and direct way to schedule your lessons , practice sessions , and even club fittings . Depending on whether you are in the GOLFTEC Clubhouse App or using the GOLFTEC Clubhouse through your computer's web brow…

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