In most cases, you can quickly complete your order by signing in to clubhouse on a difference browser or device. Any items added to your cart are saved to your account and will be readily accessible on any other device, allowing you to pick up right where you left off.
Common checkout problems:
My coupon code did not work?
Most coupon codes come with certain restrictions such as expiration dates, and ineligible products like Golf Balls. Please be sure to read each promotion carefully for promotional rules and details.
Why is my promo code disappearing?
If you have an active promotion code in your cart, you may not be able to buy certain items such as golf balls with the promotion active. By adding these items to your cart, the promotional code will automatically be disabled until eligible items are added to the cart.
I did not receive a confirmation email or shipping information, did my order go through?
If you are unable to find or did not receive a confirmation email, or shipping information, you can always review your order history within the Clubhouse.
I'm having trouble opening the store!
Clubhouse Mobile App :
Most application based issues can be resolved by ensuring your application, as well as your device, are fully up to date. Please make sure you are running the latest version of the Clubhouse App from the App Store or Google Play store.
If your application is already up to date, please attempt to uninstall, and redownload the application to clear its saved data.
To quickly try and resolve or work around problems loading the store, try using another browser, or using your current browser in a Private Browsing mode. For Chrome and Edge browser, you can click the options menu in the upper right and select New Private/Incognito window. Sign back in to clubhouse, and attempt to complete your purchase.
You may also wish to clear your browser cache, however this will cause your browser to forget things like saved passwords as well so we don't recommend it right away.
I don't even see the store!
We have noticed a rare issue where some accounts will not show the pro shop link. Please reach out to support by clicking the help icon and we'll be glad to help resolve the issue right away!