Feb 17, 2023
This User Guide will pin point you in the right direction to all the knowledge you need to set up, connect, and enjoy your SkyTrak Launch Monitor!
Set up.
- What is SkyTrak Launch Monitor?
- Downloading the SkyTrak Application
- Setting up Your SkyTrak Launch Monitor for Use
- How to Connect you SkyTrak Launch Monitor
- Pairing your SkyTrak Launch Monitor
- The Battery in your SkyTrak Launch Monitor
- Safety and Product Information Guide
- SkyTrak Registration
- Deactivate your SkyTrak Launch Monitor
- How to Reset your SkyTrak Launch Monitor
- Troubleshooting SkyTrak Not Registering Shots
- Troubleshooting Connectivity Issues with your SkyTrak Launch Monitor
- Commonly Reported Problems with your SkyTrak Launch Monitor