Jan 31, 2023
Bag mapping is used to evaluate how you hit with each of the clubs in your bag. Metrics such as the gap in distance between each club and how consistent you hit with each club. This can help the average golfer better understand how they hit and how each of their clubs hit respectively.
Before Starting Bag Mapping:
- You must be logged into your SkyTrak.
- You must have either have a Game Improvement or Play and Improve plan through SkyTrak with your SkyTrak Launch Monitor registered.
Setting Up Bag Mapping.
Once your SkyTrak Launch Monitor is connected to your device, select Game Improvement > Bag Mapping.
Setup Includes:
- Handedness.
- What hand is your dominant hand?
- Number Of Clubs.
- How many clubs from your bag are you hitting with?
- Shots Per Club.
- How many hits on each club are you going to take?
- Best Shots Selected.
- Would you like to narrow down the number of your shots recorded to just the best hits? (If no, pick the same number as 'Shots Per Club').
- Intended Gap.
- What would you like to set as your intended distance gap between your different clubs?
- Gap Tolerance.
- How much leniency should be given to the gap between your clubs?
Select Clubs Includes:
- Clubs.
- A space to select up to 13 different clubs to swing with during your Bag Mapping.
- Preset Dropdown.
- A space to save your preset 13 clubs for your next Bag Mapping.
To save your selected clubs in SkyTrak Bag Mapping:
- Select Save Preset.
- Select the textbox and replace Default with whatever name you choose.
- Select Save.
This will save the clubs you have selected, and all setup options for your Bag Mapping.